Showing posts with label Guiness records. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guiness records. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 11

Guiness records confirmed


#guinnessworldrecords #maximumstatuttesmadeusingpaperquillingart #GWR2023 #largestdisplayofpaperquilleddolls

Friday, November 25

My achievement in India Book of records

Thanks for bringing my best 😊🤩🤩

India book of records

Maximum statuettes made using paper quilling art

The record for making the maximum number of #statuettes using paper quilling art was set by Chandrika Ragothaman of #Bengaluru, #Karnataka. She made 313 statuettes (each measuring between 6 cm to 23 cm) including 203 religious #idols and 110 #figurines (of vegetable vendors, balloon sellers and others) using paper #quillingart

#indiabookofrecords #ibr2023 #indiabookofrecords2023
#maximumstatuttesmadeusingpaperquillingart #statuttes #figurines #quillingart 

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