Showing posts with label India book of records. Show all posts
Showing posts with label India book of records. Show all posts

Friday, November 24

My 5th and 6th Record

On this Auspicious day of thulasi vivaha, received certificates from India book of Records and Asia Book of Records,for the live Record which happened on Oct 9th 2023.

Sarvam Krishnarpanam 🙏🙏

Thursday, October 12

My achievements

Myself from Nov 2022- Oct 2023

2 Guinness world Records
2 Asia Book of Records 
2 India Book of records 

Out of that 2 records are individual attempt. Other 4 group attempt.

All with the grace of Sri Rama 🙏🙏🙏

Sarvam Krishnarpanam 🙏🙏🙏

#GWR #GuinnessWorldRecord #asiabookofrecords #indiabookofrecords #chandrikaarvind #mayurartsandcrafts #souldolls 

Thursday, October 5

Doll festival with Record making

Doll festival with Record making ..

Come and enjoy the treat...

#dollfestival #indiabookofrecords #asiabookofrecords #maximumreplicatesofgodsandgoddess  #paperquilleddolls #chandrikaarvind #mayurartsandcrafts #mayurcrafts

Tuesday, January 3

My achievement in India book of records

Maximum statuettes made using paper quilling art

The record for making the maximum number of #statuettes using paper quilling art was set by Chandrika Ragothaman of #Bengaluru, #Karnataka. She made 313 statuettes (each measuring between 6 cm to 23 cm) including 203 religious #idols and 110 #figurines (of vegetable vendors, balloon sellers and others) using paper #quillingart.

Friday, November 25

My achievement in India Book of records

Thanks for bringing my best 😊🤩🤩

India book of records

Maximum statuettes made using paper quilling art

The record for making the maximum number of #statuettes using paper quilling art was set by Chandrika Ragothaman of #Bengaluru, #Karnataka. She made 313 statuettes (each measuring between 6 cm to 23 cm) including 203 religious #idols and 110 #figurines (of vegetable vendors, balloon sellers and others) using paper #quillingart

#indiabookofrecords #ibr2023 #indiabookofrecords2023
#maximumstatuttesmadeusingpaperquillingart #statuttes #figurines #quillingart 

Friday, November 11

Featured Post

Haldi kumkum packs

Haldi Kumkum packs  Ready stock  (3000+ pcs) Immediate dispatch  Get back ASAP For orders call or what's app 9940651316 ...