Friday, May 23

Haldi Kumkum plates

Attractive Colors and Unique Designs...

For Orders Call or Whats up 91 99406 51316 or e-mail to
Do Visit


  1. I would like to have details about size, contents, cost of the haldi kumkum plates and if I can order online. Do you send stuff pending cash on delivery? Please let me know.

    1. The total size of one plate would be around 3 inches approx. including all items,
      A plate consists of one coconut, betel leaves and nuts, a flower, a pair of bangles and Haldi kumkum packets.
      For more details and cost pls call +91 99406 51316

  2. The total size of one plate would be around 3 inches approx. including all items,
    A plate consists of one coconut, betel leaves and nuts, a flower, a pair of bangles and Haldi kumkum packets.
    For more details and cost pls call +91 99406 51316


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Haldi kumkum packs

Haldi Kumkum packs  Ready stock  (3000+ pcs) Immediate dispatch  Get back ASAP For orders call or what's app 9940651316 ...